PA Group UK Limited are a UKAS accredited testing laboratory (No. 4265), which ensures that our asbestos testing conforms to ISO/IEC17025:2017. All of our asbestos testing is carried out in accordance with HSE guidance HSG248 Asbestos: The Analysts Guide and our documented in-house procedures.
Our laboratory has the capacity and capability to ensure that samples collected during surveys or sampling exercises can be delivered, analysed and reported on quickly and efficiently.
We offer the following turnaround times for laboratory bulk analysis services:
Emergency Analysis
Same Day Analysis
1 Day Analysis
2 Day Analysis
3 Day Analysis
We can also conduct water absorption testing, but please note that this service is not UKAS accredited.
PA Group's laboratory analysts hold the internationally recognised BOHS proficiency module P401 - Identification of Asbestos in Bulk Samples or the equivalent RSPH Level 3 Award in Asbestos Bulk Analysis and have a minimum of one year’s industry experience.
On completion of bulk sample analysis, clients are issued a formal Determination of Asbestos Content Report (DACR) which provides the result of the analysis. We offer delivery of these certificates and information electronically via email, or alternatively they can be issued in hard copy if requested by the client. We are also able to upload results onto client’s websites or databases, particularly when there is a high volume of samples or if there is a need to turnaround results quickly.
Our laboratory actively participates in the Asbestos in Materials Scheme (AIMS) proficiency scheme administered by the Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL).
Guidance for Client taken samples
Anyone taking samples of suspected asbestos containing materials without a thorough risk assessment and use of appropriate control measures might be exposing themselves and others to airborne asbestos fibres. Information about safe sampling techniques can be found in HSE publication HSG248 Asbestos: The Analysts’ Guide.
If you have obtained a sample of a suspected asbestos containing material and require PA Group to analyse it for you, there a few guidance points that we ask you to please consider:
Ensure that the sample is of a reasonable size; too small and it may not be possible to give a reliable analysis result, too big and it creates a disposal problem and may not be accepted. Ideally, the sample should be anywhere between 1 to 10 square centimeters and should fit into a standard sized freezer-type bag. Materials with multiple layers (for example, a ceiling with coating applied) should be taken as a core sample to ensure that all layers are adequately covered.
Samples should be individually double sealed in two bags or other secure containers (one inside another) then placed inside another sealable bag to keep all samples from each individual address together. Press and seal type bags are ideal. It is very important that the sample is not exposed to the air as this poses a risk to anyone who handles it during transit and to our staff upon receipt.
Labelling the bag or container with sample details such as material type and sample location, or a unique reference number (for example, Sample 1 - Internal, Kitchen, Ceiling, Textured Coating) will ensure that the analysis results can be related to the correct sample. This may be of benefit to you when submitting more than one sample.
Ensure that the most outer sample bag is also labelled with the full address, including postcode.
It should be noted that an ‘adhoc’ sample analysis result will only identify the type of asbestos, if any, in the material. This information should be considered in the context of the location of the material, its condition, exposure to damage or any existing damage amongst other things.
Any envelope/packaging must be marked ‘sample enclosed’ to ensure that it is only opened in the laboratory.
The grey sections of the form below must be completed when submitting your samples for analysis.
If you need advice about how to interpret the results of the sample analysis, or advice on how to prevent exposure to airborne asbestos fibres, we would be more than happy to advise you.